ASCII Code- (American Standard Code
for Information Interchange):
It stands for American Standard Code for Information
It is a Unicode for all the computer hardware
manufacturer to manufacture a computer hardware like mouse, keyboard, monitor,
printer, scanner, etc.
It is a common alpha numeric code which includes
latter’s, symbols, digits.
When any key press on the keyboard then keyboard is
convert the corresponding ASCII Code of pressing key and then transfer to the
The ASCII is of two types I. 7 bit ASCII Code.
II. 8 bit ASCII Code
II. 8 bit ASCII Code
7 bit ASCII
The representation of 7 bit ASCII Code
X6 X5 X4 X3
X2 X1 X0 where the every ‘X’ is either 1 or 0.
In 7 bit ASCII Code 27= 128 character can
be coded.
It includes latter, digits, symbol, punctuation marks
and control character.
Latter- A,B,C,D,……Z
0,1,2, 3……9
Symbol- +,
-, *, /, %, @, #, ?, !
mark- : ; , ‘ ‘ “ “
o NUL= Null
o DEL= Delete
o BS= Back
o HT=
Horizontal Tab
o VT=
vertical Tab
o STA= Store
o ESC= Escape
o Can= Cancel
A= 65, B=
66, C= 67…………………. Z= 90
a= 97, b=
98, c= 99……………………z= 122
8 bit ASCII
The representation of 8 bit ASCII Code is X7
X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1
X0 where the every ‘X’ is either 1 or 0.
The 8 bit ASCII Code is used for error checking in a 7
bit ASCII Code.
In 8 bit ASCII Code left most bit is used for error
checking and it is called as Parity bit.
X7 X6
X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
In 8 bit ASCII Code 28= 256 character can
be coded.
Parity is of two types- i. Even= 0 (Value set)
ii. Odd= 1 (Value set)
ii. Odd= 1 (Value set)
UNI Code- (Universal Code)
It is stands for Universal Code.
It is a 32-bit code.
In uni code 232 character can be coded.
It is use for coding regional language.
The odia character can be coded un uni-code.
EBCDIC- (Extended Binary Coded for Decimal
It is stands for Extended Binary Coded for Decimal
It is an 8-bit code.
In EBCDIC Code 28= 256 character can be
It includes latter, digits, punctuation mark and
control characters like ASCII Code.
In EBCDIC Code the left most bit is called as Parity
bit which is used for error checking.
It allows an image variety of printable character and
several non-printable control characters.
Write the EBCDIC Coding for the word ‘BAG’ how many
bytes are required for this representation.
Bag= 3
Bytes = 24 Bit
+489= 3 Bytes 1
Bytes= 8 Bit
-1870= 4 Bytes = 32 Bit