ASCII Code- (American Standard Code for Information Interchange):

·        It stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
·        It is a Unicode for all the computer hardware manufacturer to manufacture a computer hardware like mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, scanner, etc.
·        It is a common alpha numeric code which includes latter’s, symbols, digits.
·        When any key press on the keyboard then keyboard is convert the corresponding ASCII Code of pressing key and then transfer to the CPU.
·        The ASCII is of two types I. 7 bit ASCII Code.
                                               II. 8 bit ASCII Code
I.                   7 bit ASCII Code:
·        The representation of 7 bit ASCII Code
·        X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 where the every ‘X’ is either 1 or 0.
·        In 7 bit ASCII Code 27= 128 character can be coded.
·        It includes latter, digits, symbol, punctuation marks and control character.
·        Latter- A,B,C,D,……Z
·        Digits- 0,1,2, 3……9
·        Symbol- +, -, *, /, %, @, #, ?, !
·        Punctuation mark- : ; , ‘ ‘ “ “
·        Control character:
o   NUL= Null
o   DEL= Delete
o   BS= Back Space
o   HT= Horizontal Tab
o   VT= vertical Tab
o   ACK= AC Knowledge
o   STA= Store
o   ESC= Escape
o   Can= Cancel
Malaya Kumar PatraValue:
A= 65, B= 66, C= 67…………………. Z= 90
a= 97, b= 98, c= 99……………………z= 122
II.                 8 bit ASCII Code:
·        The representation of 8 bit ASCII Code is X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 where the every ‘X’ is either 1 or 0.
·        The 8 bit ASCII Code is used for error checking in a 7 bit ASCII Code.
·        In 8 bit ASCII Code left most bit is used for error checking and it is called as Parity bit.
·        X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
·        In 8 bit ASCII Code 28= 256 character can be coded.
·        Parity is of two types- i. Even= 0 (Value set)
                                          ii. Odd= 1 (Value set)
UNI Code- (Universal Code)
·        It is stands for Universal Code.
·        It is a 32-bit code.
·        In uni code 232 character can be coded.
·        It is use for coding regional language.
·        The odia character can be coded un uni-code.
EBCDIC- (Extended Binary Coded for Decimal Interchange):
·        It is stands for Extended Binary Coded for Decimal interchange.
·        It is an 8-bit code.
·        In EBCDIC Code 28= 256 character can be coded.
·        It includes latter, digits, punctuation mark and control characters like ASCII Code.
·        In EBCDIC Code the left most bit is called as Parity bit which is used for error checking.
·        It allows an image variety of printable character and several non-printable control characters.
·        Write the EBCDIC Coding for the word ‘BAG’ how many bytes are required for this representation.
·        Bag= 3 Bytes = 24 Bit
·        +489= 3 Bytes       1 Bytes= 8 Bit
·        -1870= 4 Bytes = 32 Bit